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Readers' Guides to Essential Criticism: Gabriel García Márquez by Jay Corwin read online TXT, PDF


Gabriel Garcia Marquez was considered one of the most significant authors in the Spanish language. Rising to prominence with One Hundred Years of Solitude, his fiction is widely read and studied throughout the world.This invaluable Guide draws on both Western and Latin American critical and scholarly sources in English and Spanish to give a wide-ranging but in-depth survey of the global debate over Garcia Marquez's fiction. It explores the major critical responses to his key works, spanning both lesser-known his short fiction and well-known novels, such as Love in the Time of Cholera. Jay Corwin discusses both European and US-centric interpretations, balancing these with indigenous and Hispanic contexts and references to give the reader an overarching understanding of the global reception of Garcia Marquez's work.", Gabriel García Márquez was considered one of the most significant authors in the Spanish language. Rising to prominence with One Hundred Years of Solitude, his fiction is widely read and studied throughout the world.This invaluable Guide draws on both Western and Latin American critical and scholarly sources in English and Spanish to give a wide-ranging but in-depth survey of the global debate over García Márquez's fiction. It explores the major critical responses to his key works, spanning both lesser-known his short fiction and well-known novels, such as Love in the Time of Cholera. Jay Corwin discusses both European and US-centric interpretations, balancing these with indigenous and Hispanic contexts and references to give the reader an overarching understanding of the global reception of García Márquez's work., Gabriel Gracía Márquez is considered one of the most significant authors in the Spanish language. Rising to Prominence with one Hundred Years of Solitude, his fiction is widely read and studied throughout the world. This invaluable Guide gives a wide-ranging but in-depth survey of the global debate Gracía Márquez fiction. It explores the major critical responses to his key works, devoting two whole chapters to One Hundred Years of Solitude. It also examines Gracía Márquez lesser-known short fiction, his place in the Boom, magical realism and his influence on other writers. Jay Corwin discusses both European and US-centric interpretations, balancing these with incigenous and Hispanic contexts to give the reader an overarching understanding of the global reception of Gracía Márquez work. Book jacket., This Readers Guide offers a lively and accessible introduction to the essential criticism surrounding the fiction of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Jay Corwin explores major critical responses to Marquez's key works, from early and short fiction, to One Hundred Years of Solitude, through to Of Love and Other Demons."

Read book Jay Corwin - Readers' Guides to Essential Criticism: Gabriel García Márquez in DJV, DOC

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