Cracking Shakespeare : A Hands-On Guide for Actors and Directors + Video book DJV, DOC, TXT


Cracking Shakespeare serves to demystify the process of speaking Shakespeare's language, offering hands-on techniques for drama students, young actors and directors who are intimidated by rehearsing, performing and directing Shakespeare's plays.For some artists approaching Shakespeare, the ability to capture the dynamic movement of thought from mind to mouth, and the paradox of using the formality of verse to express a realistic form of speech, can seem daunting. Cracking Shakespeare includes practical techniques and exercises to solve this dilemma - including supporting online video which demonstrate how to embody Shakespeare's characters in rehearsal and performance - offering a toolkit that will free actors and directors from their fear of Shakespeare.The result of thirty years of acting, teaching and directing Shakespeare, Kelly Hunter's Cracking Shakespeare is the ideal textbook for actors and directors looking for new ways to approach Shakespeare's plays in a hands-on, down-to-earth style.

Book Cracking Shakespeare : A Hands-On Guide for Actors and Directors + Video in MOBI, DOC